MMIC, Glasgow - Monday 3rd June 2024
CPI, Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, 1 Netherton Square, Paisley, Glasgow, PA3 2EF
09.00 Registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome, introductions and presentations of UK AMR initiatives:
- Phil Packer - Innovation Lead at Innovate UK and Claire Melville - Innovation, Funding and Collaboration Specialist at Innovate UK Business Growth:
"Welcome by Innovate UK and how it is funding opportunities to address AMR" - Jonathan Jones - Manager - Upstream at CPI (Centre for Process Innovation):
"Introduction to CPI" - Joanna Bacon - Principal Investigator at UK Health Security Agency:
"AMR Capabilities and research activities at UKHSA” - Maarten van Dongen - Originator at AMR Insights, The Netherlands:
“Joint innovation through international collaboration to effectively curb AMR”
10.30 Break
10.45 Matchmaking sessions
12.45 Networking lunch
13.45 Tour of MMIC facilities
14.30 Matchmaking sessions
16.30 Closing remarks and plan for remainder of the week:
- Bita Najafi - Innovation and Growth Specialist at Innovate UK Business Growth
17.00 Close
About MMIC
Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) is a collaboration between CPI, University of Strathclyde, UK Research & Innovation, Scottish Enterprise and founding industry partners, AstraZeneca, and GSK. The Centre fosters collaboration between industry, academia, healthcare providers and regulators to revolutionise how life-changing medicines are developed. Read more >